About us

Meet The Founders

Our mission is to help you take back control of your success

2 years ago I was living the high-stress life in finance,
where every day felt like a marathon. But instead of crossing the finish line each day feeling triumphant, I was stumbling through, bogged down by relentless brain fog and afternoon slumps that no amount of coffee could fix. Reading a simple email felt like deciphering an ancient script. It was brutal.


Around the same time, my girlfriend & co-founder, Isadora, who has a background in pharmaceutical science, was fighting a similar battle. She suggested we explore the world of supplements. And so, our joint mission began. Our quest wasn't a simple pop-a-pill-and-hope-for-the-best; it was a journey of discovery, diving headfirst into the science of mental sharpness and energy.


After tons of trials, research, tens of thousands of dollars spent, and more supplement bottles than you'd find in a health store, We found the perfect blend – Guarana, Ginseng, Ginkgo biloba, Rhodiola rosea, and Vitamin B12. It was like a dense fog was lifted. Suddenly, we could power through our days with a clarity and vigor we hadn’t felt in years.


I realized there were countless others out there, fighting the same fog and fatigue. That's how Workwell and our flagship Productivity V came to life. It's not just a supplement; it's a beacon of hope for the weary professional. It’s about waking up to a brain that’s ready to tackle the day, every day.


Workwell isn’t just about getting through the day; it’s about owning it, every step of the way.


Cheers to clearer days ahead,


Thomas & Isadora

What We Believe

We hold a core belief: success and happiness are choices, choices within everyone's grasp. We're on a mission to empower you to claim these choices, to elevate your life beyond just getting by. We understand that life’s richness lies in its everyday moments, not just in professional achievements but also in personal joy and fulfillment. Our philosophy extends beyond simple productivity; it’s about fuelling your days with purpose and enthusiasm. We envision a world where work isn’t a daily grind but an integral, enjoyable part of a fulfilling life. With workwell, every individual is equipped to meet challenges and seize opportunities with confidence and optimism. Join us on this transformative journey as we redefine what it means to live, work, and thrive. Choose success, choose happiness – choose workwell.